Wednesday, October 03, 2007

21 ALREADY.....and i don't feel a thing

It's been about a month since I've blogged much has happened since then, don't even know where to start. My life has been slowly taken over by Arts Club and its endless meetings and projects but i thank GOD that so far for helping me through that i still have time for everything and my tests so far have been doing well.

Really never expected to be the president, its so amazing and miraculous, just praying I do a good job of holding everyone together, that we do make an impact on the arts community as well as nus.

AND my 21st bday just passed by, didn't do much just ate chicken rice with a few frens but it was a great time to see my og mates again. Thanks Sze Hwei, Jiayi and Hwee guang for the treat! and Jing and the rest of steamboat for the monopoly set. You guys are great! don't really feel anything, it's like just any other day and I don't feel like I've reached any milestone either but perhaps its just a certain stage where one's age doesn't matter le..but still thanks for to all who made it memorable and for coming by to wish me happy bday!:)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

28th MC

I'm now part of the 28th MC of arts club. Seems like a major milestone, already feeling a bit stressed over all the stuff that is coming up and that i have to do. Honestly wonder if i can balance everything all right.
But one thing i do know is that this actually forced me to come back to GOD again and tell HIM that i really can't do it on my own strength and i realised how much i really need HIM in my life. Truly thank GOD for his mercy and grace all this years.
GOD see me thru!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

It's the night before school starts again. So funny to be starting school after almost 2.5 years of not studying and mugging for exams. Kinda excited to start studying but the same time knowing that once exam comes round, i think it'll be pretty sian again...

Well, i'm glad that i've managed to renew and refresh my walk with GOD over this holiday season. I hope that even as school starts and all the events and assignments start coming in, won't neglect who and what is truly important in my life. I realised that in uni, it's very easy to be pressured to do stuff that you wouldn't normally want to do and i understand better how people can really backslide in university.

I guess the most important thing is to hide GOD's Word in my heart that i will always walk in HIS ways and choose to obey HIM always. Thank you LORD for your grace and love:)

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Had a good time during the induction talks today. The principal of northlight was there and she shared about how the school changed and how pupils run to school and walk home instead of the other way around.
Was really inspiring because i remember again why i chose to sign on for teaching. It's because i want to help kids especially those in the Normal streams who think people don't care, that teachers only scold and that are good for nothing. But that's not true, we all contribute in different ways and the most important is the heart and attitude that you carry out when you do anything be it teaching or studying.
I pray and hope I add value to my students in the future. From 2 dollars to 10.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Going to be starting NUS soon. Feels that i can be so involved in everything but i truly pray that i will not lose my focus on what's important. Such as doing QT...
So many things to plan for and prepare but i guess i'm still feeling excited about starting school again after my 2 yrs of NS. Which will probably disappear once i have to start preparing for exams again in less than 5 months. Ah well, i'm glad i got to know more people during the arts camp as well as campus crusade camp. At least i'll know more people which is a good thing for projects and lectures.
Well, just have to go and commit all in GOD's HANDS:) join o week!

All for Love

All for Love
a Father gave
Abba Father have your way
All for Love
the heavens cried
for Love was crucified

Oh, how many times
have i broken your heart
still you forgive
if only i asked

Oh, how many times
have i heard you pray
draw near to me

Everything i need
is you
my beginning my forever
Everything i need is you
Is you LORD.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's been a month since i've blogged le:) well it was a really busy time going from one camp to another as well as flying to hongkong to shop. Flying to japan this thursday as well so as you can see i'm pretty busy this month.

I think that despite all the 'busy-ness', i thank GOD that for being able to connect with new people as well as spend time with my sister in hongkong. And although camps are really tiring, each time you go for one, you get to learn new things and as well as able to interact with different groups of people. I am glad i went for the cluster camp as well because while the message is simple, it was basically our significance is found in CHRIST and the real superstar is JESUS, it was a good reminder and there was one part in which Pastor shared that made me have a new understanding. He said, why do we look for man's approval when man is imperfect when we have a PERFECT GOD who ALREADY approves of us?!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Heart of Gratitude

Really glad i chose to go for the jackie pulliger conference today! It was a good time of really seeing the compassion for the poor and needy.
I believe the most important thing is to have a heart of gratitude when you serve, because JESUS has already given so much, whatever we do is nothing compared to what HE has done!
And to serve the poor is so simple, you don't have to worry about having enough money or being able to do many things, just DO WHAT YOU CAN. Such a simple principle to live by.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Today's message from Ps Melvyn left a big impact on me. Realise i've not been spending enough quiet time with GOD each morning. Like it depends on how early i wake up and if wake up late(usually due to late night gaming), i'll spend less time reading the Word and nothing goes in.

So i've decided that from tomorrow onwards, i'm gonna sleep early and wake up at least 45mins before i need to so that i will have 1/2 hour of uninterrupted, alert time with GOD, praying , worshipping and reading HIS Word. If you're reading this, you can help keep me accountable by asking me how it's going.

Also had a kind of revelation during cell, as i was explaining to the guys how important it is to take care of our spirit man, it seemed GOD enlarged my understanding to show me that just as our physical body needs 3 basic necessities, air, food and water, our spiritual bodies need them too.

1.We need to breathe constantly - PRAY w/o ceasing
2.We need to Eat solid food - READING GOD's Word for man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of GOD.
3.We need to drink water - Come thirsty for HIS presence, Engage in WORSHIP.

So we need to do this regularly everyday, especially in our quiet time or our spirit man will be sickly. A sick spirit man is one that is weak and unable to resist the flesh and the evil one.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Apr reflection

Lost and Weary,
On a Journey,
that seems lonely
and fraught with difficulty.

Mountains of obstacles abound,
while valleys of refreshment
are hard to find.

Dark are the caverns,
where one must tread.
As the darkness of our
hearts and minds
threaten to overwhelm.

Yet, I will lift my eyes to HIM
who holds my destiny.
And, when I do,
shadows fade in the light of HIS Presence.
Mountains become molehills
and I am never alone.

But those whose hope is in the LORD,
will renew their strength ,
they will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, April 26, 2007

It's been a long time since i've blogged again...was going through jason's blog and i realises it inspired me to write something out as well.

Been feeling sick the whole week, first was sore throat, now having a flu as well. Shouting and having to speak loudly to teach students ain't easy. Yet, i thank GOD for giving me the strength to be able to be in school everyday and do all that needs to be done.

Really so proud of jason, and about his poem/reflection on how that even though we can make many mistakes and also be busy with other things. We remember that at the end of the day, it's GOD who blesses us. It's also HE that gives the victory and that we are to serve HIM with all of our hearts..that is truly the most wonderful.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Finally got my teaching award letter today! Really thank GOD for HIS blessing and love for allowing me and helping me to receive this award. I also get to do the subjects i enjoy which is bascially History(major) and english(minor).

I believe it's just a confirmation of what GOD wants me to do and what HE has put in my heart to do as well. Have to maintain a CAP of >3.5 though. I pray i'm up to the task:)

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Just finished my interview for the MOE teaching award Yesterday. Although, i felt ok outside, i became pretty nervous when i went in and my mind was mostly a blank for what i prepared to say haha. But thank GOD that HE helped me to just be able to answer the questions and i think i did leave them with the impression that i do want to teach. Thank GOD for my dad as well for he gave me an article from the forum about how we should do away with streaming and it was the same question they asked me as well.

Anyway, regardless of what happens, i have just committed it all to GOD for i know HE has everything planned out and all i have to do is to want and Seek HIM first each day. Well back to marking my 3N English!

Sunday, March 18, 2007


That's the theme song for the G12 conference caused we sang it like 9 times through the whole week haha.. Anyway really thank GOD i went for all the sessions cause i was like totally blessed in every way and refreshed through all the teaching.

The biggest impact on me was the part where ppl came on stage to show how GOD transformed their lives. As i saw what they wrote and the familiar faces, I realised that's what this is all about. Transformation that comes from the heart! that is what GOD wants to do in our lives and the lives of the people around us! Even though it was the 2nd time i saw this, i was just tearing and crying throughout it all.

So, i'm going back to school with a refreshed spirit that even as GOD has transformed my life, i want my light to shine so that their lives will be transformed by JESUS as well!

oh oh oh oh oh oh....

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Over the mountains and Under the sea!

Well, finally have some time and things to blog.. it's been quite awhile really. Just came back from a dive trip and kids camp back to back so pretty tired but one thing i really thank GOD for is that HE sustained me all the way and i did not fall sick and was able to get sufficient rest when i came back.

Had a good time diving, i did enjoy myself and hope to do it again. However, it is pretty expensive so i'll prob be taking it slow. not really passionate about it but an additional activity that one can do with friends. The amazing thing is i met shi jun while at tioman, we actually stayed in the same resort! enjoyed being at sea as well, while in between dives, i saw a rainbow in the water from the boat was moving and it just caused me to reflect on GOD's promise HE made so long ago the covenant to never flood the earth again. And it just reassured me that HE will always keep HIS promises to us!

After that, i immediately went for the kids camp the next morning. Some of the children were pretty tough to handle but i thank GOD that HE helped me see the other side of them and to continue to love them while being able to be firm with them as well. Had a really good experience and was glad i was able to touch this kids lives:)

Monday, February 19, 2007

CNY '07

During this chinese new year, I just want to share about being contented and having a grateful heart, i've just read a book, letter and email and they all say the same thing so it's definitely not a coincidence:)

Well, as some of u know, i was supposed to drive to muar during CNY weekend with my family to visit my grandma. However, on the day b4 i was supposed to go, my tire punctured and i had to change a new one. Thank GOD a shop was nearby! Well so i told my parents and after my dad prayed and we discussed both me and my dad felt that it's best we not drive up cause we don't know if the car is in that good a condition and there wasn't GOD's peace about going.
At first, i was pretty upset cause i was all geared to go but i could just hear GOD's Voice asking me to trust HIM!

So i'm still in S'pore but i had a good time going out with my parents and at least i had time to finish all my work that i was supposed to do. And i want to be content in that the LORD has blessed me in every way throughout stressful times and happy times.

I felt that many times we say thank GOD when something good happens or when we're saved from a bad situation but sometimes that gratitude doesn't come all the way from our heart but just our lips, so let us always be mindful and truly thank HIM in good times and bad!

GOD Bless and Happy Chinese New Year !

Monday, February 12, 2007

CFS Reunion Dinner

Hello, its been a looong loong time since i've blogged.

Well, i'm just back from eating lots n lots of food at lim tua tow restaurant with my old central fire station Buddies! Good time to just catch up and now most of us have ord already, so we're working and some are waiting to continue their studies.

Been reading this book by max lucado and there's a chapter titled going deep. So i thought i would read the chapter and it talks about going deep in GOD's Love. What struck me the most is that HIS love is always there whether or not we do anything. When someone is blessed that doesn't mean GOD loves HIM more, and when we're going through a bad time, it doesn't mean GOD loves us any less. But HIS love is constant throughout. 'not because we first loved HIM but because HE first loved us'. And we are to dive deep into HIS love, just like if you were to dive into an ocean, you'll be surrounded by mostly water: to go so deep everyday that when we look up, left, right and down, all we see is HIS Love.

oh and jason, i'm glad to have you in my cell, really want to affirm and appreciate you for always turning up for cell and meeting up with me regularly. I know GOD has wonderful purposes for your life! Remember my challenge to u!

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Well, i'm back from my RL288 Retreat and it has indeed been a pretty fun weekend. Learned much about listening and surrendering in order to go deeper throughout the retreat. Then, Pastor Dough Lambert shared a msg on listening and Obeying GOD.

I realised that many times i have been fearful of just stepping out in faith or i would think that what GOD is saying to me is probably not from HIM. But the simple fact is, no matter wrong or right, if your heart is sincere and you obey, GOD will bring good out of it!

Further, was really touched when jason came and prayed for me after service and he prayed a prayer to encourage me in my teaching(which i get a bit stressed about). When i asked if GOD prompted him, he said yes. So Praise be to GOD!

So basically what i learned today is JUST DO IT! HEAR AND OBEY!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I have a colleague who sits next to me and his name is Roland. Well, yesterday he mentioned to me that he had pretty bad throat and was coughing. So i asked if i could pray for him(i don't think he's a Christian but he has prob been to Church before) and he said alright.

So i just said a very short prayer and asked GOD to heal him. I did not think very much about it but less than 5 mins later, he came back and told me that his cough was gone! HALLELUJAH! I told him to just thank GOD and i myself am thankful that GOD has used me in such a way.

Hopefully, i can ask him to Church soon!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Victorious living

Really felt that the message yesterday during service spoke to my heart.
Although i'm quite sure Ps melvyn has preached this message and i've heard his points 'countless' times before, there was just a big reminder about the two points and a deeper understanding.

To lead a victorious life we need:
1. Sonship- to remember that GOD loves us unconditionally, which means not whether we fail or succeed, GOD still loves us. for it's not who we are are what we do but What HE's done and Who HE is.

2. Surrender- every area of our lives to GOD, which is easier said then done. And only by the HOLY SPIRIT are we able to die to ourselves each day.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

To be stressed or not to be, that is the question

Well, i've just finished a week of teaching and actually the time does past pretty fast. But that's not the point. The point is that at the start i was really stressed being in a new environment and all and because i wanted to give a good impression.

Yet, during midweek, i realised that i should not be so stressed but just give it to GOD. Now that doesn't mean i don't work hard but it just means i have NOTHING to WORRY about no matter the circumstances. It's very easy to say, 'hey trust GOD and everything is all right' but do we really live it out? It's not that easy after all.

We prefer to hold on to the belief that some things GOD won't get right and only by our own strength we can make a difference. But it's simply not true because when i gave it to GOD and stopped being stressed out and worried, my day went by much easier and i was definitely more relaxed.

i hope i always remember and do my best to give all my worries to him not just by paying lip service but by word and action. For it's not by my strength but HIS!

Monday, January 08, 2007


i think that sometimes students are not the only one that dread school. teachers do feel the same way at times. lol

Anyway, after a really long and exhausting day(to me), really able to emphatise how yong howe and shirley feel after they had a long long long day and still have to prepare for cell. I know that they'll be tired but now i truly understand how tired they feel.

oh well, better get back to marking papers...

Friday, January 05, 2007

Relief Teaching

I'm relieved to be teaching. Really thank GOD to have been able to find a 'permanent' relief teaching job. So i'll be teaching english at henderson secondary for 1/2 a year. Don't really know if i'm fully up for it but i'm just gonna give my best and trust GOD for the rest!

'HE gives us far more we can ever ask for or imagine.'
Really felt that was what GOD's been trying to tell me today that no matter what we ask or our own plans, HE's already preparing something bigger and better and all we have to do is trust HIM all the way!

It's really amazing because before i went to sleep last night, i felt prompted by GOD to live my handphone on. As i always turned off my phone when i sleep, i really thank HIM that i left it on because Henderson called me at 0745. so PRAISE BE TO GOD!
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