Sunday, May 06, 2007

Today's message from Ps Melvyn left a big impact on me. Realise i've not been spending enough quiet time with GOD each morning. Like it depends on how early i wake up and if wake up late(usually due to late night gaming), i'll spend less time reading the Word and nothing goes in.

So i've decided that from tomorrow onwards, i'm gonna sleep early and wake up at least 45mins before i need to so that i will have 1/2 hour of uninterrupted, alert time with GOD, praying , worshipping and reading HIS Word. If you're reading this, you can help keep me accountable by asking me how it's going.

Also had a kind of revelation during cell, as i was explaining to the guys how important it is to take care of our spirit man, it seemed GOD enlarged my understanding to show me that just as our physical body needs 3 basic necessities, air, food and water, our spiritual bodies need them too.

1.We need to breathe constantly - PRAY w/o ceasing
2.We need to Eat solid food - READING GOD's Word for man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of GOD.
3.We need to drink water - Come thirsty for HIS presence, Engage in WORSHIP.

So we need to do this regularly everyday, especially in our quiet time or our spirit man will be sickly. A sick spirit man is one that is weak and unable to resist the flesh and the evil one.

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