Saturday, January 13, 2007

To be stressed or not to be, that is the question

Well, i've just finished a week of teaching and actually the time does past pretty fast. But that's not the point. The point is that at the start i was really stressed being in a new environment and all and because i wanted to give a good impression.

Yet, during midweek, i realised that i should not be so stressed but just give it to GOD. Now that doesn't mean i don't work hard but it just means i have NOTHING to WORRY about no matter the circumstances. It's very easy to say, 'hey trust GOD and everything is all right' but do we really live it out? It's not that easy after all.

We prefer to hold on to the belief that some things GOD won't get right and only by our own strength we can make a difference. But it's simply not true because when i gave it to GOD and stopped being stressed out and worried, my day went by much easier and i was definitely more relaxed.

i hope i always remember and do my best to give all my worries to him not just by paying lip service but by word and action. For it's not by my strength but HIS!

1 comment:

Jason Lim said...

WOW! Well Said!

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