Saturday, March 31, 2007


Just finished my interview for the MOE teaching award Yesterday. Although, i felt ok outside, i became pretty nervous when i went in and my mind was mostly a blank for what i prepared to say haha. But thank GOD that HE helped me to just be able to answer the questions and i think i did leave them with the impression that i do want to teach. Thank GOD for my dad as well for he gave me an article from the forum about how we should do away with streaming and it was the same question they asked me as well.

Anyway, regardless of what happens, i have just committed it all to GOD for i know HE has everything planned out and all i have to do is to want and Seek HIM first each day. Well back to marking my 3N English!

Sunday, March 18, 2007


That's the theme song for the G12 conference caused we sang it like 9 times through the whole week haha.. Anyway really thank GOD i went for all the sessions cause i was like totally blessed in every way and refreshed through all the teaching.

The biggest impact on me was the part where ppl came on stage to show how GOD transformed their lives. As i saw what they wrote and the familiar faces, I realised that's what this is all about. Transformation that comes from the heart! that is what GOD wants to do in our lives and the lives of the people around us! Even though it was the 2nd time i saw this, i was just tearing and crying throughout it all.

So, i'm going back to school with a refreshed spirit that even as GOD has transformed my life, i want my light to shine so that their lives will be transformed by JESUS as well!

oh oh oh oh oh oh....

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Over the mountains and Under the sea!

Well, finally have some time and things to blog.. it's been quite awhile really. Just came back from a dive trip and kids camp back to back so pretty tired but one thing i really thank GOD for is that HE sustained me all the way and i did not fall sick and was able to get sufficient rest when i came back.

Had a good time diving, i did enjoy myself and hope to do it again. However, it is pretty expensive so i'll prob be taking it slow. not really passionate about it but an additional activity that one can do with friends. The amazing thing is i met shi jun while at tioman, we actually stayed in the same resort! enjoyed being at sea as well, while in between dives, i saw a rainbow in the water from the boat was moving and it just caused me to reflect on GOD's promise HE made so long ago the covenant to never flood the earth again. And it just reassured me that HE will always keep HIS promises to us!

After that, i immediately went for the kids camp the next morning. Some of the children were pretty tough to handle but i thank GOD that HE helped me see the other side of them and to continue to love them while being able to be firm with them as well. Had a really good experience and was glad i was able to touch this kids lives:)
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