Monday, February 19, 2007

CNY '07

During this chinese new year, I just want to share about being contented and having a grateful heart, i've just read a book, letter and email and they all say the same thing so it's definitely not a coincidence:)

Well, as some of u know, i was supposed to drive to muar during CNY weekend with my family to visit my grandma. However, on the day b4 i was supposed to go, my tire punctured and i had to change a new one. Thank GOD a shop was nearby! Well so i told my parents and after my dad prayed and we discussed both me and my dad felt that it's best we not drive up cause we don't know if the car is in that good a condition and there wasn't GOD's peace about going.
At first, i was pretty upset cause i was all geared to go but i could just hear GOD's Voice asking me to trust HIM!

So i'm still in S'pore but i had a good time going out with my parents and at least i had time to finish all my work that i was supposed to do. And i want to be content in that the LORD has blessed me in every way throughout stressful times and happy times.

I felt that many times we say thank GOD when something good happens or when we're saved from a bad situation but sometimes that gratitude doesn't come all the way from our heart but just our lips, so let us always be mindful and truly thank HIM in good times and bad!

GOD Bless and Happy Chinese New Year !

Monday, February 12, 2007

CFS Reunion Dinner

Hello, its been a looong loong time since i've blogged.

Well, i'm just back from eating lots n lots of food at lim tua tow restaurant with my old central fire station Buddies! Good time to just catch up and now most of us have ord already, so we're working and some are waiting to continue their studies.

Been reading this book by max lucado and there's a chapter titled going deep. So i thought i would read the chapter and it talks about going deep in GOD's Love. What struck me the most is that HIS love is always there whether or not we do anything. When someone is blessed that doesn't mean GOD loves HIM more, and when we're going through a bad time, it doesn't mean GOD loves us any less. But HIS love is constant throughout. 'not because we first loved HIM but because HE first loved us'. And we are to dive deep into HIS love, just like if you were to dive into an ocean, you'll be surrounded by mostly water: to go so deep everyday that when we look up, left, right and down, all we see is HIS Love.

oh and jason, i'm glad to have you in my cell, really want to affirm and appreciate you for always turning up for cell and meeting up with me regularly. I know GOD has wonderful purposes for your life! Remember my challenge to u!
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