Friday, December 29, 2006

Budak Pantai!!!

Finally got to watch my most favourite a cappella group life at esplanade last night! The performance was really good. They had good voice range with the tenor singing bass and even the bass could reach quite a few high notes. What i enjoyed most was their jokes and how they could take a song and change it to something funny. It's their creative in music that inspires and after watching them sing, i definitely want to join choir again!:)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas again..time of giving and sharing but most importantly a time of love..for family, friends and the greatest lover of all, our LORD JESUS CHRIST! May HIS love fill ur homes and family and that u will all have a time of knowing HIS LOVE!
Well, i'm off for my family dinner now, hopefully all of you are spending time with your family as well. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 22, 2006

GOD's Grace

Whew..had a long day at work today, was telling my friend that at work either one is very free or one is very busy but never in between.
Had to send some notes to photocopy today and i passed it to the lady at the shop and after explaining what i wanted left at about 2pm. Later on, before i left for home, i realised that i made a mistake about what i wanted photocopied and prayed that it was not too late. I reached the shop at 6pm..and Praise be to GOD, the lady hadn't started photocopying yet and she actually said it must be GOD that made me come back to clarify. Indeed GOD is good all the time!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's all about love

Was listening to some old chinese love songs last night and one of those songs was about how the guy had nothing left and was probably gonna die soon but yet his girl still stayed with him all the way, willing to walk with him until the end. Thought that it was probably the most touching to see when either the guy or girl knowing his/her partner has nothing to offer them, does not walk away but willing to go all the way till the end. Indeed it is true love.
Then i realised that's just a fraction of what JESUS love for us when he died for us at the cross, for we had nothing to offer HIM and yet HE willingly bore our shame and sins out of love and compassion. For not that we first loved HIM but that HE first Loved us. Thank YOU JESUS!

Friday, December 15, 2006


Just finished watching the magic of love today. Even though i've watched it many times, it still tugs at my heart and reminds me so much of GOD's love and that at the end of the day love is what matters most. Praise GOD that many people came and the place was pretty packed! As pastor shared his family's testimony, it reminded me once again to share my own and how sometimes i can explain about Christianity all i want but some people will still feel like it is just another religion.
But when we testify of our lives, we show a GOD who's Real and loves us so much!
Another thing i realised from talking to my friend is that we truly are educated beyond our intelligence, how everything must be debated upon. Too much knowledge alone is not a good thing either, for your head blocks what your heart yearns for, which is love that only JESUS alone can give.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Thanks Howe n Shirley

my good friend lucas went for his knee op today, thank GOD everything went well he's now safetly home resting:) and don't worry howe ur car's in good shape, didn't scratch anything by GOD's grace haha.
I've had a good time of catching up with my ex-cell leader raynard and asking him his reasons for leaving FC and what he's learnt. Believe what i took back was that one of the most important things as a Christian is ur own personal devotion with GOD. Sometimes, in the way our Church is run we can get so involved in the many activities but forget about our personal time with HIM. Gained a new appreciation to be under howe, these past 3yrs cause he always encourages time with HIM more than just rushing into activities done at Church. Do feel that its these 3 yrs in which i've grown the most. thanks howe and shirley!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Visions and Dreams

Had cell with my guys today and i felt that it was a good time of just praying and encouraging them to just speak out with any words that they felt the HOLY SPIRIT had placed in their hearts. Even though there were only 3 of us, i could feel the presence of GOD with us..the msg that Pastor Khong shared today was really meaningful because many times when we have cell or fellowship, we focus very much on the Word and teaching which is not wrong, but we might have neglected moving in the SPIRIT and letting HIM speak through us, be it Prophecy, Words of wisdom or Word of Knowledge that edifies the cell. Doing so really helps us grow spiritually and allows GOD to speak directly to the HEART which truly transforms a person from the inside out!

The gingerbread man

Went to watch a children's musical called the gingerbread man done by the little company..was an interesting experience cause i've never been to one. Although its for the kids, there were some parts only adults would understand and slight sexual innuendo. I felt a bit sad at that cause at such a young age, although the children might not understand, it could stay in their minds and when they grow up they will feel such is acceptable behaviour.. all this just reflects the state of our society and its views. I also happened to walk thru clarke quay for the first time on a sat night and saw so many young people out for a good night of partying and self-gratification and with news of the IR and Casino that is coming soon, i felt that as Christians sometimes we have been too protected and turned a blind eye to what is happening in our nation. i, for one have also been's time we truly rise up, pray for our Nation and do something about it!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Faith to Heal II

Well, remember i was sharing about faith and how faith is relational? Sometimes when we pray does it seem we are like twisting GOD's Arm? Our intentions may be good but nevertheless we are pursuing our agenda over HIS..We need to come before HIM and say LORD U want to heal because YOU love each and everyone of us so much and its HIS personality to heal us..

Faith is also Real and resolute...there is the need to believe and then recieve...we must believe GOD that it can be done and WILL be done...We cannot allow what we see or Feel to shake our faith.To be resolute is to not give up but no matter how long it takes to just believe that GOD CAN and WILL Heal you..Would it not be better to believe and die not receiving healing than go through life with unbelief and doubt?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Faith to heal

Been reading this book, how to pray for healing by Che Ahn a pastor from america and when he starts sharing about faith the first point he makes is that faith is relational. Mark11:22 says 'Have faith in GOD'. How do we have this faith in GOD? By recognising the Father Heart of GOD and seeing that it is this relationship between a Father and child that GOD Wants to heal us just as our earthly fathers would always wish that we are well.

  1. Faith is Relational
  2. Faith is Revelational
  3. Faith is Risky
  4. Faith is Real
  5. Faith is Resolute

Revelational-there is a 'rhema' WORD from GOD, a word that imparts faith. Risky because sometimes outward steps must be taken(mark 10:46-52) As Blind Bartimaeus pursued JESUS for healing, the moment he heard JESUS calling him, he threw off his Cloak! A Cloak for a blind beggar is important because its their source of shelter and where they slept. By throwing off his cloak, Bartimaeus was saying 'i'm not going to need this anymore because JESUS is going to heal me!' So as we pray in Faith and say we believe, are we ready to throw off our 'cloaks' ?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Had some time off yesterday as there wasn't much to do in the office...i'm really thank GOD for the time off though cause i got to spend it with my grandma who's in singapore for 2 weeks before going back to muar... and had a good time just listening to her share her worries and she does back in muar.

Decided that i will visit her in muar sometime soon and when i told my dad, he thought the whole family could go during next yr CNY! Think its a great idea and i might get to drive howe?
anyway i realised my grandma and me although we have some communcation problems( MYchinese is bad and HER english is bad), we think the same way. Cause we must be clear in our minds that everything is settled nicely, otherwise will keep thinking and thinking one haha:) so i'm glad for the bonding time we had!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Got a pair of new specs!

Finally got my new pair of specs today! haha though my dad says it kinda looks the same as the old one. oh well... managed to meet my ex-classmate and good friend from secondary school enrico today. Haven't seen him for 4 yrs! but really thank GOD for a wonderful time to catch up with him and encourage one another in the faith. am glad to see him grow strong in JESUS and serving HIM at lighthouse.

Was reading this book on healing today and a sentence caught my eye ' we need to be a good host of the HOLY SPIRIT' when someone comes to our house, a good host brings water, food, and spends time with the guest and usually does what the guest wants to do. So often, we just invite the HOLY SPIRIT in our lives and homes, but are we good hosts? do we do what HE wants? or want we want? Do we spend time with HIM or just carry on with our usual lives?
Its so important to be a good host. LORD, Help me!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

tired after SL

Wow finally finished my SL training....that stands for service learning btw so basically service is to meet real needs and learning must be intentional. oh man that's like so automatic le haha. really tired think i have to go sleep soon....actually inspired to blog after seeing other ppl's blogs. So interesting. well howe have to catch up with u soon and share all i'm learning GOD Bless!
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