Saturday, September 09, 2006

Howe & Akeelah

finally have time to do some blogging after the past 2days..where to start?

First i think i'll share about my meeting with howe at siglap on thursday had a good time and really re-learnt about praying and talking to GOD about everything and usual howe really makes u think and become more aware of why u do what u do instead of just going about life by i'm typing this i'm just have this picture of "shuffling" which is what firemen do when u're in an area full of darkness and smoke, u put one leg forward at a time testing if the ground ahead of you is solid while making sweeping motions with your hands to ensure that there is no debris in front of you.. just the same as when you are not clear about your life goals and purposes, sometimes we go through life "shuffling" taking one slow step at a time, fully unsure, afraid to fall or hit something, following our instincts and like lost sheep but when we are clear and truly sit down and know our purpose and calling from GOD it is like a light shining through the darkness and just makes everything all the more clearer.

Back to thursday, after meeting up with yong howe, i put what i learnt into practice and that is to just pray and talk to GOD about all my events of the day and also thanking HIM for the blessings throughout the day..i met up with clarence chan and joseph at TCC citylink and found a wonderful time of sharing and boding as brothers in CHRIST,realising that i'm not alone in what i go through in this phase of life and having people understand what u feel both clarence and me promised to be accountable for one another and before we left prayed for each other..met charmain heah(raynard' sis) for dinner cause she's going back to uk to study and at the very least was able to lend a listening ear to what she's going the end of the day i distinctly remember just praising GOD in my room and feeling so much more aware of HIS presence in my life..oh n i called jordan's mum and was able to talk to her realisng that when jordon did not come for service it was not just because of his exams but because he wanted to watch TV! so yeah still praying and pray with me too that he will mature and his heart will be for GOD

Friday was a working day and i continued to practice just sharing my day with GOD, something i had really forgotten to do. i realise i pray but only in the morning and after that i only pray when i need something and go through most of my duty relying on my own strength not GOD'S.. i ended that day with this realisation(with some help from howe) for coming back to knowing GOD with our hearts not just minds and it is
1. Where is your heart?
2. talk and share with GOD about everything(even as mundane as meeting a friend for lunch)
3. as you do so you will be aware of GOD'S presence in your life because HE is always there watching
4. to look for that moment of humility each day(something i learnt from second half of the man in the mirror)
basically means to just enter into a moment in which you see GOD in all his Holiness and splendor and his Awesomeness that will last through the day

finally today.. went out for a movie with my family which is called akeelah and the bee, it was a really touching movie and think howe should watch it(if he hasn't already) probably come up with more quotes haha this quote just stayed in my mind...

‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond imagination. It is our light more than our darkness which scares us. We ask ourselves – who are we to be brilliant, beautiful, talented, and fabulous. But honestly, who are you to not be so?
You are a child of God, small games do not work in this world. For those around us to feel peace, it is not example to make ourselves small. We were born to express the glory of God that lives in us. It is not in some of us, it is in all of us. While we allow our light to shine, we unconsciously give permission for others to do the same. When we liberate ourselves from our own fears, simply our presence may liberate others.’
- Marianne Williamson in Return to Love: Reflections on a Course in Miracles

the words in bold just seems to pounce on me and reminds me of Pastor's message of being salt and light, it is not just salt but LIGHT that we bring to the world...
and when we are that light and allow the light of GOD to shine through us, others seeing our example will shine too!

on a lighter note got my parents to buy me a new hi-fi set for my bday haha!
GOD Bless and hope what i share inspires all of you

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