Thursday, July 19, 2007


Had a good time during the induction talks today. The principal of northlight was there and she shared about how the school changed and how pupils run to school and walk home instead of the other way around.
Was really inspiring because i remember again why i chose to sign on for teaching. It's because i want to help kids especially those in the Normal streams who think people don't care, that teachers only scold and that are good for nothing. But that's not true, we all contribute in different ways and the most important is the heart and attitude that you carry out when you do anything be it teaching or studying.
I pray and hope I add value to my students in the future. From 2 dollars to 10.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Going to be starting NUS soon. Feels that i can be so involved in everything but i truly pray that i will not lose my focus on what's important. Such as doing QT...
So many things to plan for and prepare but i guess i'm still feeling excited about starting school again after my 2 yrs of NS. Which will probably disappear once i have to start preparing for exams again in less than 5 months. Ah well, i'm glad i got to know more people during the arts camp as well as campus crusade camp. At least i'll know more people which is a good thing for projects and lectures.
Well, just have to go and commit all in GOD's HANDS:) join o week!

All for Love

All for Love
a Father gave
Abba Father have your way
All for Love
the heavens cried
for Love was crucified

Oh, how many times
have i broken your heart
still you forgive
if only i asked

Oh, how many times
have i heard you pray
draw near to me

Everything i need
is you
my beginning my forever
Everything i need is you
Is you LORD.
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