Thursday, August 17, 2006

LoNg Daaay but Exciting too!!

Hmmm realise its more than a week since i last blogged haha...well better late than never i guess:)
its been a really long past few fire station going on audit AGAIN!! 2nd time this year had to go back today to finish up my work and listen to my officer tell us how to ensure we do our work properly which is good and i'm not complaining about that but i hope they realise our main job is still to fight fire and save lives not all the admin stuff.......
had a nice steamboat with pam sylvia and zheng yang after that was good to catch up with the soh sisters and sylvia reminded me of praying about my future and whether GOD has called me to be a pastor...she's really good at seeing past surface impressions and ask questions that are direct and to the point, its really refreshing to talk to her haha
then went for ps benny ho's teaching tonight..he's really a good speaker and was very interesting..once again was reminded of shepherding and discipling my guys and from comments(via email) about the day which i missed the teaching, i realise i need to really bring my guys up in basic christian living skills..
would like to follow the divine reading example because sometimes we focus so much on just giving our people the answers or helping them settle their problems but we don't teach them how to be able to draw proper conclusions from the WORD OF GOD and not just from hearing others teach...pray that i am also able to intentionally disciple my guys and serve others together with them and being a good model...
well its another working day tmr 15.5duties!!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

must be realllly boreddd!!!

i can't believe i'm starting my own blog... i mean really starting my own blog that's like so weird..........thought only girls had so much to talk about then some guys start joining in and suddenly the whole word is rushing to put their "private lives" online where its well..not really so private..
ok back to the point i always thought i would never do this but i guess yeah i'm now officially a blogger! welcome to blogosphere mr. wong..i do hope i'm not doing this to attract attention or anything like that...
well to be fair and accurate when someone starts a blog no matter the intentions it always means u're after attention of some kind but i'm not like gonna tell all my friends about this, its more like for them to discover? yeah realised i do have a lot of feelings and thoughts and why not put them in a blog? its kind of like quite a perfect diary after all ...the pages don't turn yellow, u don't have to buy more diaries cause u never run out of pages, i get to be on the computer(which is a favourite pastime) and the program sorts everything nicely for u, how cool is that?
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